Fasle or Truth ? "Cancer" can detected by blood.

Health News

17 Dec 2022
Fasle or Truth ?  "Cancer" can detected by blood.
    Nowaday, Thai people are found to be increasing suffering from cancer. Most people have delay diagnosis for cancer, result in disease are found in  advance stage and difficult to treat with standard guideline. So, if you can early detect, it's also provides an opportunity for healing. It’s also provides an opportunity for healing and curing. Most health check-up programs have included a list of blood tests for cancer markers that will tell if the examiner is likely to have cancer

What you need to know about cancer markers ?

  • Some tumor marker could found high level without cancer in the body.
  • Some cancer could been not detect
  • Many cancers can create the same tumor marker.
  • Low levels of tumor markers may be detected in normal people. 
  • Tumor marker levels are detected higher than normal alone. It is not possible to tell exactly what the patient is with cancer.  

      The benefits of cancer markers are not only for diagnosis. It’s also used for follow-up and helps selection the right cancer for treatment. Many cancer markers can be detected in normal people and at the same time may not detect abnormalities in some cancer patients.  The doctor will ask for a history to guide the diagnosis.

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