8 methods to reduce the risk of heart disease that should start today

Health News

24 Dec 2022
8 methods  to reduce the risk of heart disease that should start today

      Heart disease is one of the most common types of diseases in Thailand that is coronary artery disease or myocardial ischemia. Because, The prevention of disease is better and more important than treating diseases. Especially, our hearts only have one. Today, we share 8 methods to reducing the risk of heart disease and effectively prevent cardiovascular disease in the future.

  • Avoiding sweet foods, fatty foods, coconut milk and egg yolk.
  • Exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week, for 20 minutes at a time.
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  • Avoiding smoking, because some cigarettes contain nicotine and other substances that can harm the endothelial walls of blood vessels.
  • Control your sugar levels to be normal limits.
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  • Keeping your blood pressure at normal levels.
  • Get enough sleep and rest. Do not stress about work, meditate or listen to music softly.
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  • Control weight not to get fat because the heart of a fat person has to work more than usual.
  • Checking your health at least once a year, but if you experience chest pain, you should consult a doctor.

      Blood pressure and cholesterol are major risk factors for heart disease. Therefore, the periodic measurements of blood pressure and lipid levels are required to reduce the risk of heart disease. In general, a heart check-up should be performed every 2 years for those at high risk. More frequency of examinations should be increased  In some cases. The doctor may be recommend undergoing an advanced heart exam.

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