9 foods to reduce cervical cancer risk

Health News

14 Nov 2022

9 foods to reduce cervical cancer risk

      The cause of cervical cancer lies in HPV virus infection. The virus can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. However, the incidence can be reduce the risk of cervical cancer by anti-cancer cell promotion in which can be found in some type of foods. Here is 9 foods to reduce cervical cancer risk.

  • Foods , filling with vitamin E such as nuts, whole grains, green leafy vegetables. They will help to the body get rid of HPV faster.
  • Foods rich in vitamin C, such as fruits, green leafy vegetables, lemons. They can be  help prevent the transformation of cancer cells.
  • Foods containing folate, such as whole grains, green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits they can be help to normalize the nervous system. 
  • Foods containing vitamia and beta-carotene, such as fruits and vegetables that have green, orange and red colour. such as, carrots. They can be reduce the risk of abnormal cervical cell formation.
  • Selenium-containing foods. such as garlic, yeast, nuts and mushrooms. Which can be fight many types of cancer.
  • Seaweed contains antioxidants. They can be reduce the incidence of breast and cervical cancer
  • Fish oil contains DHA, that can be to stop the growth of HPV.
  • Coenzyme Q10 antioxidants has regulates the body's energy production.
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