Why do We Need to Check "Dental Health"?

Health News

19 Sep 2022

Why do We Need to Check "Dental Health"?
      The most critical preliminary step is a dental examination. Dentists will be able to plan the most precise and successful treatment strategy. In other situations, dentists may take X-rays to identify the condition if the lesion is not visible, such as searching for lumps and cracks in the teeth or cavities between the teeth.
      The teeth and mouth are body parts that we use daily. Bacteria in the mouth can be caused by eating and drinking. People, neglecting oral and dental care will have tooth decay, foul breath, toothaches, gum disease, yellow-stained teeth, and other issues. These symptoms include pain, a negative personality, a lack of confidence, and the cost of treatment.
      As a result, it is essential to visit a dentist regularly or at least once every six months for regular oral health examinations. Visiting a dentist for oral and dental check-ups can be useful in maintaining healthy teeth and detecting early signs of dental disease. Visiting a dentist to examine your dental health also helps you control it before it becomes a significant problem. Consult the dentistry department for more information: Tel. 055-909888, extension 1214.

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