9 Depression-Related Surveys

Health News

09 Sep 2022
9 Depression-Related Surveys
      The media has covered celebrity news, crime news, and even suicide news that has been related to depression over the years. As a result, we should recognize that depression is closer than we think. We may be unaware that we or people around us are at danger or suffering from depression because the news does not provide in-depth information about the disease.
      Observing yourself or others that you are depressed, aren’t you?  These nine simple surveys can screen for depression disease.. This survey is used by doctors to diagnose depression. If you have 5 or more symptoms, and the item 1.) and/or item 2.) are included,  you are risky  if 5 of the 9 symptoms continue for longer than 2 weeks. You should see a psychiatrist for additional assessment and therapy.
  • Constantly depressed, bored, discouraged, or easily irritated
  • Stop focusing on things you used to enjoy doing or don't want to do things you used to enjoy doing
  • Eating habits shift, eating too much or too little, resulting in abnormal weight gain or decrease
  • From easily falling asleep to falling asleep more difficultly or sleeping excessively
  • Exhibiting anxiousness or sluggishness
  • Feeling weary, lacking energy, and unwilling to get out of bed and do anything
  • Feeling worthless or guilty or blaming yourself on everything
  • Inability to concentrate on tasks, difficulty thinking or making judgments
  • Frequent thoughts of death, wanting to die, or wanting to commit suicide

      We are unable to cure or treat depression on our own. If you see that your life is out of balance or that you are under a lot of stress, see a psychiatrist is like having your mental health checked in order for us to comprehend your mental condition at the time. Because mental difficulties or behavioral changes aren't the main causes of depression, your doctor will recommend measures to prevent and enhance your mental condition, such as changing your thinking or utilizing medication. Seeing a psychiatrist will assist us in receiving the appropriate treatment.

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