Hernias can also occur in women.

Health News

19 Oct 2022

Hernias can also occur in women.
      Many individuals might be under the impression that hernias are primarily an illness that affects males. However, it is a truth that a woman might have a hernia, so what? How is that possible for women? We now have the solutions for everyone.

  • What causes a hernia?
    It results from an abdominal wall defect that has existed since birth, or it results from the patient having had surgery that weakens the abdominal wall in that region. In rare situations, it can be brought on by unusually high abdominal pressure from coughing, sneezing, or moving heavy things, which can force the intestines or fat clusters in the belly to shift from their original places
  • The symptoms of a hernia
    The patients with hernias typically do not initially have any unpleasant symptoms that would be obvious in them. It mostly relies on observations from outside features, including a projecting bulge at the location of operation or a bulging mass. or around the groin. If left unattended, therapy will start to result in corkscrews, pain where the lumps protrude, and tightness in the stomach

      Abdominal hernia can happen to both men and women, although they typically occur more frequently to males since the scrotum cavity in the male groin area is more sensitive to weakness. Heavy lifting, surgery, or caesarean sections performed during pregnancy can all weaken the muscles in the abdomen and result in hernias, which are the main causes of hernias in women.

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